Πέμπτη 21 Ιουνίου 2012

Chios Mastiha

What is Mastiha? 

Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios Mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care.

Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such.

Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth. Mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and Mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits.
For orders  - bestmastiha@gmail.com
Tel.  + 30 69 94 70 50 40    365 days  / year   -   sms service available 24 hrs. / day

Πέμπτη 26 Απριλίου 2012

Skinos Mastiha

http://masticbest.wordpress.com    bestmastiha@gmail.com

Our Mastiha Trees before Armolia Village
write to us to see what we offer NEW OFFERS  every month all year round.

Our Village.

We do mean we'll beat any price with the same quality grade of mastiha.
bestmastiha@gmail.com         www.mastihabest.com  

Τετάρτη 25 Απριλίου 2012

What is Mastiha / Mastic ?

What is Mastiha? 

Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios Mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care.

Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such.

Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth. Mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and Mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits.

http://masticbest.wordpress.com          bestmastiha@gmail.com

Πέμπτη 15 Μαρτίου 2012

Mastiha Recepies


Chios Mastiha / Chios Mastic Gum


Chios Mastiha

What is Mastiha? 

Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care.

Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such.

Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth.  The mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and the mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits.
www.mastihabest.com     bestmastiha@gmail.com

Mastiha Chewing Gum

For prices write to : bestmastiha@gmail.com

mastiha gum / mastic gum


Θεραπευτικές Ιδιότητες

Είναι αναμφισβήτητο ότι η μαστίχα έχει δυναμωτικές, θεραπευτικές και προληπτικές ιδιότητες. Στις ΗΠΑ, η μαστίχα χρησιμοποιείται από φαρμακευτικές εταιρίες για την παρασκευή συμπληρωμάτων διατροφής, χειρουργικών νημάτων, επιθεμάτων για εγκαύματα, και οδοντιατρικά νήματα. Στην Ανατολική Ασία όλοι γνωρίζουν τις θετικές επιπτώσεις της. Ειδικότερα στην Ιαπωνία κυκλοφορούν προϊόντα μαστίχας τα οποία κατασκευάζονται εκεί όπως οδοντόπαστες, τσίχλες και σοκολατάκια. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το 60% τις ετήσιας παραγωγής της μαστίχας Χίου προωθείτε στις αγορές του εξωτερικού!
Από δημοσιευμένες ιατρικές μελέτες έχει βρεθεί ότι η μαστίχα έχει ισχυρή αντιφλεγμονώδη και αντιοξειδωτική δράση ενώ λόγω των αντιβακτηριδιακών ιδιοτήτων της είναι αποτελεσματική σε λοιμώδη ή μεταδοτικά νοσήματα, όπως η χολέρα.
Στο αναπνευστικό σύστημα είναι ωφέλιμο στη χρόνια βρογχίτιδα, στην καταρροή και στον έντονο βήχα. Χρησιμοποιείται ως αποχρεμπτικό.
Ως αντισηπτικό και αντιμικροβιακό, στο ουρογεννητικό σύστημα βοηθάει στην αντιμετώπιση της κυστίτιδας, ουρηθρίτιδας, και λευκοουρίας. Προστατεύει από τα κρυολογήματα.  Είναι κατάλληλο για κοιλιακές και δυσεντερικές παθήσεις.  Συμβάλλει στην πρόληψη και θεραπεία παθήσεων του πεπτικού συστήματος όπως έλκος στομάχου που οφείλεται στο Ελικοβακτηρίδιο του πυλωρού. Η χρήση της συμβάλλει στην μείωση της χοληστερόλης στο αίμα.
Στην Ιατρική χρησιμοποιείται κατά των ελμινθιάσεων (σκουληκιών), για την απολύμανση της κοιλότητας του στόματος, της ρινικής και της λαρυγγικής μοίρας.
Στην οδοντιατρική χρησιμοποιείται για την αναισθητοποίηση των νεύρων των δοντιών. Στη φαρμακευτική Βιομηχανία ως συντηρητικό μέσο.  Επίσης, χρησιμοποιείται στη παραγωγή βιταμινών. Η συστηματική μάσηση της μαστίχας Χίου μειώνει σημαντικά τη μικροβιακή πλάκα.